Home Artikel ringan Tematis Vespa Primavera: Tips Setting Gerak Bebas (Clearance) Putaran Handle Gas

Tematis Vespa Primavera: Tips Setting Gerak Bebas (Clearance) Putaran Handle Gas


Vespa Primavera

Kobayogas.com – Bawaan pabrik memang tidak selalu pas di hati, walaupun itu mungkin sudah disetel dan dicek oleh mekanik. Begitu pula yang terjadi pada Vespa Primavera Azzuro milik KBY dan si Blanco milik Arantan..

Sedikit keluhan datang dari Arantan yang bilang setelan gerak bebas (clearance) putaran handle gas Primavera miliknya agak terlalu jauh, jadi muntir throttle nya kudu agak banyak baru dapet momen gasnya. Setelah KBY rasakan di Azzurro memang agak terlalu banyak, tapi masih masuk toleransi. Nanti saja servis pertama deh di setel ulang.

Ternyata saat lagi foto session si Azzurro, KBY menemukan setelannya, gimana caranya? Simak lads…

1. Tentu buka dulu joknya, karena mesin berada di bawah bak/ bagasi motor
2. Setelah terbuka, angkat bak-nya agar mesin bisa terlihat
3. Nah sudah terlihat si putaran kabel gasnya kan?
4. Putar baut nya menjauhi rumah throttle/ kabel sampai dirasa clearance pada handle gas sudah memadai (memadai ini tergantung selera pemilik).
5. Jangan sampai tidak ada clearance nya ya lads, karena tujuan clearance dibuat itu for safety reasons…

Nah.. Mudah kan? Gak perlu nunggu jadwal ke bengkel deh…Semoga bermanfaat dan Selamat mencoba 🙂

Mangga digeber … Thanks for reading and sharing lads..

KobaYogas from WordPress for Android


  1. Now you have to “made up ur mind” !”keep on”it or.. U may “look after”..
    After you know “the shit” of that “top dollar”scootie.. I think you’ve to “think over” and “look forward”

    • I just dont get it what u mean… is it about Primavera? it’s not even spend a week and you dare to say it is a shit and i have to think over and look forward? Are u kidding me?…

      get outta here…It’s my Azzurro Marechiaro u’re babbling about…

      even better, all your words goes the same for your Bumbleshitbee over there… how is it? 😀

      • Heeey…am nat tellin’ ur baby a shit.. Shit was refer 2 the problems of ur baby ya know?? Am just tellin’ ya with some example of idioms he’r

      • Noo..nooo…nooo… I don’t mean it! Event just a “piece of cake”!!
        Have a look @the sentence!it is “of” between the shit and top dollar of scootie.. See??i never “having a debt” to ya anyway..

      • So if it is tranlated.. ” After ya know the problems of your azhuraa”
        Hmm..anyway.. Whata nice name..is it an arabic name?

        • Arabic my red a*s … it is Italian ya know… and it’s Azzurro anyway…

          You have to read the article fully… not just the heading… caught in the act…

      • Ro..may write raa if ya ever recite the holy Qur’an (ya recite the Qur’an??”when pigs fly”! Akakakaka)
        Even ya said this is an Italian name, but i think it is borrowing word that taken from arabic vocab! Ask ust. Bonsai to make sure!

  2. gak ngerti kalo cuman baca artikel doang, hehehe

    ltuh kan kemasan Top1 gitu lagi (halah)


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